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关于Git Commit的信息

Commit message should be

  1. Understandable
  2. Enough
  3. Unambiguous


Commit TypeDescriptionEmoji
fix:This is to commit a resolved bug in the codebase🐛
feat:This is to commit a new feature to the code base
chore:This commits changes that are not related to a feature or a bug♻️
refactor:This commits changes refactored code📦
docs:This commits changes the documentation📚
style:This involves style changes in the codebase💎
test:This commits made in the test file including corrections made🚨
perf :This commits to improve the app's performances🚀
ci:This commits make changes in the CI integration⚙️
build:the build files and blue dependency🛠
revert:This commit signifies reverting to a previous commit🗑